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ROUNDTABLE, April 7th 2014, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania

The “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi organised on April 7th 2014  the 1st Roundtable within the project Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River MIS ETC 1150. The event took place in the “King Ferdinand” Conference Hall of the University. This 1st meeting brought together all parties involved [...]

Invitation for the Roundtable

Dear Madam/ Sir, We have the pleasure to invite you to participate to the 1st Roundtable organised within the project Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River MIS ETC 1150 on April 7th 2014. The project is developed 2012-2015, with the financial support of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine [...]

Regular Meeting no.5

On November  13th 2013, the Department for Project Management and Structural Funds of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania, hosted the fifth regular meeting of the Project Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River, Code MIS ETC 1150. All personnel involved in this meeting provided the Mr. Mattias Lindstrom, [...]

Scientific Symposium: Biodiversity without borders

Universitatea ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Facultatea de Biologie, în colaborare cu Institutul de Zoologie al AŞM au organizat în perioada 24 – 26 octombrie 2013 Simpozionul Ştiinţific “Biodiversity without borders”. Simpozionul a fost organizat pe 3 secțiuni, tematicile abordate fiind consacrate si destinate unor cerințe reale ale cercetării din domeniul…Continue reading→

2013 International Conference of Zoologists

În perioada 10-12 octombrie 2013, Institutul de Zoologie al AŞM în parteneriat cu Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi au organizat Conferinţa a VIII-a Internaţională a Zoologilor cu genericul „Probleme actuale ale protecţiei şi valorificării durabile a diversităţii lumii animale”. Conform programului, evenimentul a fost deschis şi prezidat de acad. Ion Toderaş, directorul Institutului de [...]

Regular Meeting no.4 & European Cooperation Day

The representants of the project Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River participated at the European Cooperation Day, organized by the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 and hosted by Chisnau, the capital of Republic of Moldova. During two days, 20-21 September 2013, they participated and attended several [...]

Regular Meeting of August 16, 2013

On August 16, 2013, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (Department for Project Management and Structural Funds) hosted the Regular Meeting related to 4th Progress Report of the project “Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River” Code MIS ETC 1150. During the 7 hours meeting the representatives of P1 [...]

Regular Meeting no.2

On February 13th 2013, the Department for Project management and Structural Funds of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania, hosted the second regular meeting of the Project Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River, Code MIS ETC 1150. During this meeting the participants focused their attention on checking [...]

Regular Meeting no.1

The Institute of Zoology from Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, hosted between 13 and 14 of September 2012 the first regular meeting of the Project Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River, Code MIS ETC 1150. During this meeting the participants focused their attention on the procedures and tools to [...]

Kick off Meeting Romania

On May 11th, 2012, the Department for Project Management and Structural Funds of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania, hosted the Kick off Meeting of the Project Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River, Code MIS ETC 1150. The participants appreciated the opportunity to develop research and investigation [...]