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Of the regular meeting related to Intermediary Report

September 20th   2013

Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River
Code MIS ETC 1150

  • to elaborate the amendments requested by JMA to Notification no.5
  • to organise and take the justificatory documents related to Progress Report no.4
  • to establish the conditions for participation on two scientific events organised in October 2013
  • to instruct about organising the justificatory documents in view of audit report
  • to check the way of registering the reserchers’expertise on website
  • other topics
Location Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Moldova
Period/Duration 20.09.2013 from 11.00 to 17.00 (6 hours)
Undertaken decisions, resolutions and terms The LP representatives decided which of the documents issued according to national legislation for proving the amont of monthly salary could be used as justificatory documents for Notification no.5.The partners commonly agreed to allow the access free of charge for participation on two scientific events for the members of project’s implementation team.The partner organisation agreed to organise the financial justificatory documents according to the rules imposed by the programme even ifthe national procedures are slightly different.

The scientific members of Partner organisation understood to register on as private persons emphasising their own scientific expertise.

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