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Of the regular meeting related to 4th  Progress Report

August 16th  2013

Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River
Code MIS ETC 1150

  • to discuss, amend and approve the content of the Methodology for monitoring the fish population structure elaborated by. Mr. G. Davideanu
  • to improve the framework of Risk Assessment Report established in the application form
  • to establish the information and data to be processed for the elaboration of the Risk Assesment Report and the criteria to be taken into consideration;
  • to establish the content and form of the promotion materials to be used during the events: EC Day, conference, seminar
  • to establish the first steps for the Action Plan for developing common research within European Programmes;
  • to underline the necessary actions for speeding the procurement process;
  • to elaborate the common sections/documents for Progress Report no.4
Location The “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of IaşiDepartment for Project management and Structural Funds
Period/Duration 16.08..2013 from 9.00 to 16.00 (7 hours)
Undertaken decisions, resolutions and terms The representatives of P1 agreed the content of the Methodology for monitoring the fish population structure and recommended it for translation into English until 26.08.2013(Sava);The participants established on common ground the main lines/chapters to be developed within the RAR and also the criteria for evaluation: pollution, flood, drought. Deadline for final framework of RAR: 31.08.2013 (Nicoara, Ungureanu, Zubcov);

The participants agreed to send the digital format of the posters to be used during the fair organised in Chisinau on 20.09.2013 until 31.08.2013 (Davideanu A, Zubcov) in order to obtain the approval of Iasi CBC Office for visual identity conformity;

The members of the research team from two institutions agreed to extend the list of the research themes and to fill the electronic application on  with information and data related to each institution. The presentation will improve the chances of the two institutions to be asked for participation within collaborative projects in the framework of the EC Research and Innovation Programme HORIZON 2020.

The staff discussed the main difficulties encountered during the equipment procurement; it was emphasised the necessity to procure only the equipment originated in EU and the difficulty (even impossibility) to obtain a derogation from the Commission in the case of non EU provider.

The Partner 1 provided the necessary information for an up-date of the procurement progress plan and for written investigation report no.4

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