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Of the kick off meeting organised by the staff of the LEAD PARTNER

May 11th , 2012
Iasi, Romania

Project: Resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River
Code MIS ETC 1150

  • Presentation using Power-Point slides of the Programme and of the project: general objective, specific objectives, activities, terms, results, indicators
  • Presentation and consensus obtained for necessary modifications of the annexes to  grant contract
  • Establishing the teams for launching the procurement procedures for equipment and supplies, pre-feasibility study, visibility services and other necessary services (translation, currier etc.)
  • Assignment of  the main responsibilities in order to elaborate the job descriptions
Location Iaşi, Lascăr Catargi street. No 54
Department for Project Management & Structural Funds
Period/Duration 9.00 to 15 (6 hours)
Undertaken decisions, resolutions and terms (if the case) The participants appreciated the opportunity to develop research and investigation of Prut River in order to have up-to-date information about the bio-diversity of this natural border with major impact on the communities living around.
The idea of developing a resources centre in Ezareni  incited the participants to declare their commitment for obtaining best results as reproduction products, educational and training products etc.The implementation teamapproved the necessity to modify Annex 1 and Annex 2 to Partnership agreement in order to use the warmth weather for the investigation of Prut River.

The persons implied in the procurement process (GA2) agreed the idea to extent the period for the procurement of equipment and supplies because of the longer terms to comply with the exigencies of the ANRMAP (Autoritatea Nationala pentru Reglementarea si Monitorizarea Achizitiilor Publice – National Authority for Regulation and Monitoring the Public Procurement). The team decided to have ad-hoc meetings with all personnel of the Public Procurement Department of the “Al.I.Cuza” University, for establishing the final  form of the RNOs (Necessity and Opportunity Reports)

A draft representing the share of responsibilities within project has been produced as background for final forms of job description.

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