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D1 Site hydrobiological study (including fish sampling) performed across and  alongside from the entry into the Romanian territory to the confluence with river
D1.1 The monitoring of the structural and functional characteristics of the main aquatic organisms communities inhabiting the River Prut.
D.1.2 Qualitative and quantitative characterization of fish populations, aiming at preserving their biodiversity.
D.1.3 River Prut hydrochemical characteristics investigation.
D.1.4 Abiotic factors’ influence upon aquatic organisms’ communities. Evaluation of the natural and anthropogenic threats upon the fish reproduction capability.
D.1.5 Assessment of the aquatic organisms’ role in the chemical migration process, aiming at the evaluation of river’s aquatic resources quality.
D.1.6. Identification of threatened species according with the Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora and the Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy
D2 Elaboration of the Risk assessment report for the integrity of the ecosystem
D3 Elaboration of the Emergency plan for restoring the natural ecosystem of river

Activity Outputs

  • Methodology for monitoring the fish population structure on electronic and paper support: Written Prut investigation report on: 1. structural and functional characteristics of phyto- and zooplankton, zoobenthos and  ichthyofauna  2. hydrochemical characteristics 3. the relationship between biotic and abiotic factors  4. water quality 5. evaluation of the fish reproduction capability 6. ecological indices of fish population
  • Risk assessment report for the integrity of the ecosystem
  • Action plan for developing joint research and education projects within European programmes
  • Emergency plan for restoring the natural ecosystem of Prut river