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C1 Elaboration of the Support documents (Feasibility study, Technical documentation, Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment) for rehabilitating the Ezareni infrastructure: fish reproduction tanks, laboratories and other facilities;
C2 Development of the rehabilitation works for the infrastructure necessary for the management of the aquatic resources and for restoring the biodiversity related to Prut river
C3 Reception and setting-up of the equipment and facilities
C4 Continuing monitoring the degree of compliance of executed works with the quality/price requirements and with the schedule’s terms
C5 Setting-up the infrastructure dedicated to the sustainable management of the aquatic resources and for restoring the biodiversity related to Prut river
C6 Development of joint action plans for sustainable valorisation of fish resources alongside and across river
C.6.1. Elaboration of the Methodology for monitoring fish population structure
C.6.2. Elaboration of the Action Plan for developing joint research and education   projects (within national and/or EU programs) related to self-sustained aquaculture
C7 Subscription for specialized journals, books and database/software

Activity Outputs

  • List of subscription for journals, books and database/software (contracts): at least  3 scientific journals related to biodiversity and limnology (fresh waters) and  8 scientific books  focused on environment, aquaculture, fresh waters and marine ecosystems etc.
  • Support documents
  • Feasibility Study
  • Technical documentation
  • Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Written monitoring report concerning the status of the construction works – in narrative report
  • Methodology for monitoring fish population structure
  • Action Plan for developing joint research and education projects (within national and/or EU programs) related to self-sustained aquaculture
  • Written record of equipment and facilities setting up
  • Written report of Ezareni overall infrastructure reception